Hot and sour rice skin


Raw material:

       Laoganma tomato hot sauce80g、Rice peel 500g, millet pepper 4g, onion 5g, garlic 5g, soy sauce 5g, salt 3g, vinegar 4g, white sugar 2g, MSG 2g, water 10g.

How to do it:

       1. Cut the rice skin into strips and put on a plate for later use. Dice the millet and pepper, mince the garlic into puree, and cut the green onion into sections.

       2. Mix millet pepper, minced garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, salt, sugar, MSG and water to make a sauce and pour it on the surface of the rice wrapper. Pour Laoganma tomato chili sauce on the surface of the rice wrapper and sprinkle with scallions.